Ingles Español


Samuel Penhastro

Samuel Penhastro is a Spanish artist, passionate about the comedy world in general and about Clown in particular. With a extensive and detailed artistic formation, although mainly self taught, he also learns from professional masters of the Art of the Clown, like David Shiner, Fraser Hooper, Leandre Ribera, Churry Silva or Alex Navarro, among others.

Throughout more than 20 years of professional career, Samuel Penhastro has been developing his skills in Theater and Circus disciplines, such as Mime, Clown, acrobatics, juggling, dance, slapstick and others… Creating, directing and performing in many different projects, in recognized Theaters, Circus and Festivals all around the world.

These experiences have been very important for the continuous development and evolution of Samuel Penhastro as an multidisciplinary artist and as a Clown, as they have required him to adapt his work to the different options that each context offers to this endless and fascinating research.

This meticulous search and exhaustive dedication result in a delicate work with a strong visual impact given by an incomparable aesthetic and identity, crossing the barriers of language and culture, thus connecting with the most primary and essential aspect of the human being.

These are some highlights of the Projects, Companies and Stages:

- Busan Int, Comedy Festival,  (South Korea) 2023, Special guest.
- De Grote Sierk, Beveren (Belgium) 2023
- Festival de Arts de la Rue Miramont de Guyenne ( France) 2023
- Cirque du Lux, (Luxembourg) 2022 , Audience Award
- Mostra Internacional de Pallassos i Pallasses de Xirivella (Spain) 2022
- Namur en Mai (Belgium) 2022
- Festival Internacional MalabHaria (Spain) 2022 – Public Award
- FIC Festival Internacional  Clownbaret  (Spain)2021
- CIRCLASSICA - Main Character - Co. Producciones de Sonrisas 2018 (Spain)
- Dundas Festival (Canada) 2018
- Festival Fantastika (Austria) 2018, 2023
- Atsugi Festival (Japan)2016
- Dub Fest Dubai 2015 (UAE Dubai)
- Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Scotland) 2014-2023
- Bolshoi St Petesburg State Circus (Russia) 2011
- The World Festival of Clowns in Yekaterinburg  (Russia) 2011
- Teatro Circo Price (Spain) 2010
- Co. Ale Hop (Spain) 2002-2022
- Cirque Amar (France) 2008
- Co. La Fura dels Baus (France/Spain) 2005
- Co. Els Comediants (Spain) 2006